World’s Greatest POS System

Why do I want a POS system?

  • BR CLUB LOYALTY PROGRAM: The POS has a Loyalty Program designed to help give store owners the ability to provide their customers savings when shopping, in the form of monthly product promotions. These are products that the retailer is already selling in their store, like candy bars or sodas. Therefore a customer who is enrolled in BR Club and wants to buy a can of soda that is discounted by 50¢, they will get the discount. Then, within 24 hours the retailer is credited 50¢ to their Boss Revolution Retailer account, so they don’t lose any money, but the customer saves money! Plus BR Club members get monthly SMS messages with upcoming promotions and BR Club store locations. The retailer sells more and the customer buys more!
  • SEAMLESS BR PINLESS RECHARGE: Customers can recharge their Pinless account while also paying for their grocery items, in one simple transaction.
  • BOSS REVOLUTION PORTAL INTEGRATION: BR services are built into the POS System so the retailer can have everything in one device! No need for Computer or Tablet! They have two options; they can do a quick pinless recharge during a transaction or open the portal from the POS to sell any other BR product!
  • SALES REPORTS: Track all sales on the POS (cash, debit/credit, EBT, BR Club redemptions) by running reports by the specific day, week, month, year, or even a custom date range.
  • IN-STORE ADVERTISING: Stores can promote their products by using our unique customer facing display.
  • EASY PAYMENT: Retailers can pay in full, finance with no credit check needed, or use their BR Rewards points! Plus discounts are available for those who apply!

See what the NRS POS System can do for you!

Call or email today for more information.